
We Are

Oh wow, isn't Karly great? She's such a talented and well-spoken part of our CL team. We love hearing her speak. But for those of you who would rather read the beautiful words rather than hearing the beautiful voice, here is the transcript. The scribe? A 25 year old who loves binge watching the crown and who can type 110 words per minute, her name: Karly.
... I told you I'd see you soon. 


 Welcome to CL Financial. My name is Karly. If you’re watching this video, I want to formally and officially welcome you to the CL team. Everyone who is already part of our growing team is so looking forward to meeting you! And I’m pretty sure you’ve met some of them already. CL- stands for Care Life. Simply put, our job is to care for the lives of our clients and our community. Our mission is to help our clients feel more in control of their lives; and we primarily do this- by helping them build better financial futures. It’s our responsibility to guide and educate our thousands of clients- to help them reach their financial goals and to protect them from financial hardships. 

 We’ve been doing this for over a decade, and we’ll continue to do this for decades to come. One of the many reasons as to why Jerico and Jannette, started this firm over 10 years ago was because they saw an industry that was so important- providing services that were so necessary, but it was an industry filled with the wrong types people. That’s why here at CL, we only work with ethical advisors. Advisors who resonate with our message, who care about what they do, and who understand that the number one priority is the wellbeing of our clients. This allows us to provide our community with the best and most effective financial planning, while giving the client a company and an advisor he or she can trust. There’s a lot on the back end that we’re going to go over; and we’re all very excited to work closer with you. 

 As a start, make your way through this onboarding checklist. Go through the sections, while ticking off the ones that you finish. Some information is in the form of video, like this one here and others are in the form of a written document. Going through this checklist shouldn’t take you much time, and it shouldn’t be seen as task with objectives, this is merely an insight on our procedures, protocols, management team, and it will also supply you with some resources that you can use right away. It’s all pretty straight froward, but remember, there are no stupid questions and no bad ideas, so feel free to reach out if anything comes to mind. I’ll see you soon.